this is
Coca-Cola Social

Putting this page together wasn’t easy - after 7 years of leading Coca-Cola Trademark (North America) social and digital, it was difficult to select which samples of content to highlight. But the below should you give you a snapshot of the fun I had during that time, including the world record for the world’s largest cheers, leading 5 Super Bowl social war rooms, getting to post my favorite piece of advertising in Coca-Cola history, always finding new and innovative ways to create and share content, launching Pinterest + Instagram + Tumblr, sending people on a quest to find the Secret Formula, drafting a response to then Vice President Joe Biden’s support of #AmericaisBeautiful, responding to what’s going on in the world in real time, attending YouTube brand camp, partnering with talented influencers and giving Doc Pemberton a voice and a platform.


Diet Coke [unlabeled]


Coca-Cola Super Bowl It's Beautiful